Although she is now back in the classroom, Sister Carol Ann had to adapt to the online teaching routines made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
SFA grad Maribeth Mooney pays forward the laughter in her comedy shows.
Laughter That’s Lasted a Lifetime
maribeth mooney | st. francis academy (bethlehem) 1981
Throughout Women’s History Month, our alumnae are honoring members of the School Sisters of St. Francis
who touched their lives back then and who they consider to have been especially influential in who they are now.
A young Sister Carol Ann
Sister Carol Ann today
I had so many wonderful teachers at St. Francis Academy. But one stands out in my heart and mind — Sister Carol Ann (Papp). I took art with Sister Carol Ann my senior year. Her class was a joyous gathering, the likes of which I would seek to replicate later in my adult life. We played the radio, created art and laughed. The laughs were a lifeforce! Her talent, quiet kindness and warm heart inspired me to creative endeavors I never would have attempted otherwise. Most of my happiest high school memories were in that class. I felt like I was touched by an angel. We were all so lucky to have these compassionate Sisters teach and guide us. I will be forever grateful.
Maribeth lives in New York, where she had a weekly live variety show on the city’s Lower East Side. Her comedy career has been put on hold by the pandemic, but she is trying to adapt her work to the social media platform, Instagram. “I’m just a single lady living in New York trying to make people laugh,” she says. “Lately, keeping positive and healthy is a full-time job!”
Among her ministry highlights since teaching at SFA, Sister Carol Ann was principal of St. Irenaeus Catholic School in Oakmont, Pa. for 13 years, earning the prestigious Golden Apple Award for teachers from the Diocese of Pittsburgh in 2014. Today, she teaches art and religion at Northside Catholic Assumption Academy in Pittsburgh.
Maribeth Mooney in 1981
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A Soft-Spoken Voice Still Echoes | Setting a Fine Example | ‘Angel’ Among Them
Home Away from Home | A Critical Lifeline | An Eye-Opening Influence | Unforgettable Life Lessons