2020 jubilee spotlight
Sister Carol Ann Papp
Summer is the time when our community traditionally celebrates its jubilarians — those Sisters among us who mark milestones in religious life during any given year. But this is not like any other year. Our jubilee celebrations set for both Pittsburgh and Bethlehem, Pa., have been postponed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our 2020 jubilarians may not get to celebrate during a special Mass with family and friends, yet their many years of service to the Lord remain worthy of celebration here. Please join us in acknowledging this milestone moment for Sister Carol Ann Papp, who celebrates her 50th Jubilee this year.
A native of Bethlehem, Pa., Sister Carol Ann is the daughter of the late Zoltan and Caroline Papp. The Daughters of Divine Charity who taught her in elementary school were her earliest influences in pursuing religious life. Later, in high school, she was drawn to Franciscan spirituality by members of the School Sisters of St. Francis who taught her at St. Francis Academy in Bethlehem, Pa.
Sister entered our community in 1968, made first vows in 1970 and professed final vows in 1977. She has taught in Catholic schools in eastern Pennsylvania and served as director of the former St. Francis Child Care Center in Bethlehem from 1996 to 2000. In 2002, Sister began a 13-year tenure as principal of St. Irenaeus Catholic School in Oakmont, Pa.
With an affinity for art and travel, she was awarded Fulbright Scholarships in 2006 and 2007 to study the education systems in Japan and South Korea. “As a principal and teacher, one learns, like Jesus, to attend to the needs of others,” says Sister Carol Ann. “We are representing Jesus Christ and strengthening those around us through our own human interaction. The teaching ministry is a celebration of life and love!”
A 2014 recipient of the Diocese of Pittsburgh Golden Apple Award for educators, Sister Carol Ann currently teaches Art and Religion at Northside Catholic Assumption Academy in Pittsburgh and serves as Peace & Justice coordinator for the United States Province.
Sister Carol Ann (left) as a youngster with her older sister, Patricia.
Making her first Communion circa 1958.
Making her final profession in 1977.
Sister Carol Ann (center) is flanked by Sister Marietta Bankos and Bishop James Timlin upon her graduation from Marywood College in Scranton, Pa.
Sister Carol Ann celebrates her final profession in 1977 with her sister and parents.
Sister Carol Ann (left) with Dr. Mary Frances Grassinger and her sister, Patricia, at the 2014 Diocese of Pittsburgh Golden Apple Awards.
Sister Carol Ann displays artwork at Northside Catholic Assumption Academy in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sister Carol Ann offers blessings to children making their first Communion at St. Irenaeus Church in Oakmont, Pa.