Sister Marie Therese
Advent begins the Church year, and the first mystery we are asked to engage in is waiting. Our hearts stand waiting for the Father’s gift. This morning of reflection will invite you to discover new ways to make room in the stable of your hearts for Jesus, as we await His coming. Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
This program will be held in the first-floor conference room (blue room) of St. Francis Center at Monocacy Manor in Bethlehem, Pa. Participants are welcome to join us for coffee at 9:30 a.m.
Facilitator: Sister Marie Therese Sherwood, OSF
Registration Details: Freewill offerings accepted. Please click the button below to register online now. If you would prefer to register by phone, please call 610-867-8890.
About the Presenter: Sister Marie Therese Sherwood has been a member of the School Sisters of St. Francis for 61 years. While teaching for 20 years in elementary schools, she continued her studies in pastoral ministry and spiritual direction, earning a certificate in spirituality. Sister ministered in several retreat houses, offering spiritual direction and directed retreats, while also serving as formation director, and participating in classes with the novices in the Franciscan Studies Program sponsored by St. Bonaventure University, in New York. For 17 years, Sister Marie Therese ministered as pastoral associate for social concerns in The Catholic Community of St. Matthias in Somerset, N.J. Residing now in Bethlehem, she is an avid reader, and can be seen on her daily walks along Bridle Path Road.