Sister Nancy Iampietro
Within the Lenten Season, the Passion and the Cross are placed before us in an visceral way. We hear again words that try to capture and understand mystery — words like atonement and ransom and redemption and sacrifice and suffering. At times, these words may block our encounter with the Crucified and Risen Lord.
Father Ron Rolheiser writes that “there exists a certain secret, a hidden wisdom, a key to unraveling the deep secrets of life. This key is the cross: the wisdom of the cross and the brokenness of the one who died on the cross. If we grasp this we have the key to understanding the rest of life.”
Jesus came so that we might know and embrace a God who loves us beyond our imagination; a God who longs to be one with us. Jesus came so that we may live inside the love that he shares with the Father … that love was rejected and betrayed and so … Jesus wept! What will it mean for us to receive the grace to live inside the tears of Jesus? Inside his Love?
Explore these questions when you join Sister Nancy Iampietro for And Jesus Wept: A Lenten Day of Reflection, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, March 23. The program will be held in the first-floor conference room of St. Francis Center at Monocacy Manor in Bethlehem, Pa.
Registration Details: Registration is $30 per person, including coffee and pastries. To register online, please click the button below. If you have questions or would prefer to pay by check or register over the phone, contact Lauren Martin at 610-867-8890 or
About the Presenter: Sister Nancy Iampietro is a Missionary Sister of the Precious Blood from Shillington, Pa. She is a graduate of St. Joseph University, Duquesne University and St. Louis University with degrees in theology, formative spirituality and spiritual direction. Sister has been in ministry since 1969, primarily with inner city outreach, formation, spirituality, spiritual direction and leadership. She has served as novice director, secretary, provincial and general superior for her congregation; retreat director; and teacher of spirituality in the United States, Rome, Africa and elsewhere. Currently, she is in full-time spiritual ministry at Mariawald Renewal Center in Reading, Pa., and wherever invited.