Sister Virginelle
I look up at Jesus on the Cross and I ask why did He have to suffer? He only loved and with such compassion. He didn't do anything wrong. Then I ask myself why cancer, chemo and radiation? Why the war in Ukraine and the earthquake in Turkey? Why the grief of a husband at the funeral of his wife who left him with four little children? She was such a good woman and he loved her. Then I remember Easter. I think of all the green that is starting to sprout on the brush that looked dead. I see so much love and, in the midst of pain, hope starts to spring forth in my heart.
Registration Details: This program will be conducted in person at St. Francis Center for Renewal and online via Zoom. Please direct questions to 610-867-8890.
Those attending in person are welcome to join us for coffee at 9:30 a.m.
Facilitator: Sister M. Virginelle Makos, OSF
Registration Offering: Freewill offerings accepted. You may donate in person, here online, or by clicking the link included in your registration confirmation email.
About the Presenter: A teacher for many years in secondary education, Sister Virginelle served as a principal for 14 years in North Bergen, N.J. She also served for 11 years as a caregiver of the elder members of the School Sisters of St. Francis, followed by three years with Holy Family Manor. She has been part of the SFCR retreat team for many years, leading Simply Prayer and other programs throughout the year.