Sister Marguerite
We look into the pages of scripture as well as tradition and we see that Jesus, when He walked the earth, chose disciples to follow Him. And from that group He chose 12 whom He called His apostles — all men. Does this mean that Jesus saw no worth in women? No. If we look deeper into scripture, we see a number of women that Jesus encounters, each with her special story.
Today, we will encounter one of these women, often referred to as the Bent-Over Woman. For 18 years she has suffered a disorder in her back that left her unable to stand straight. She hears about the great teacher, Jesus, and she has come to the temple — not seeking a cure, but to hear his words of wisdom. Jesus sees the woman, calls her to himself, gently touches her back, and the woman stands tall. And all this happens on the sabbath!
This program will be held in the first-floor conference room (Blue Room) of St. Francis Center at Monocacy Manor in Bethlehem, Pa. Participants are welcome to join us for coffee at 9:30 a.m.
Registration Details: Freewill offerings accepted. Please click the button below to register online now. If you would prefer to register by phone, please call 610-867-8890 or email
About the Presenter: For 12 years, Sister Marguerite served in Rome as vicar general of the School Sisters of St. Francis international congregation, as well as formation director. With more than 30 years of experience, Sister ministers as a spiritual director and workshop presenter. She holds a bachelor’s degree in pastor counseling and spiritual direction studies and, in 2021, celebrated 70 years in religious life.