“It was right to celebrate all that has been and all that will be.”
During a particularly moving moment, our Sisters gathered outside Monocacy Manor to bestow the Blessing of St. Francis upon the gathering below.
Thanks, God, Thanks!
Over the years, thousands of people have given their time, talent, treasure, and hearts to the support of St. Francis Center for Renewal, our retreat ministry that dates back to 1948 when it was known as St. Francis Retreat House. Due to both physical and fiscal concerns, the ministry was shuttered at the close of 2023, but so many memories remain.
On a gorgeous Sunday in early September 2024, our Sisters gathered with friends, associates, volunteers, employees, sponsors, benefactors, board members, and alumnae of the former St. Francis Academy to give thanks for all God’s goodness and for the generosity of so many others.
At a beautiful outdoor liturgy, celebrant Rev. Kevin Nadolski, OSFS, friend and former board member, said: “Thanksgiving is transformative, quite like the transformation that occurs in the Liturgy of the Word today. Jesus says to the deaf mute: ‘Be opened!’ Sisters, you have shown us over these past 75-plus years in retreat ministry — leadership, trust, vision, charism, work ethic, prayer, example of religious witness, and commitment to the Gospel — just how God’s saving action can lead to a release from suffering at many levels.”
Before the final blessing, the Sisters gathered on the steps, faced the people, and sang a blessing often used by Saint Francis of Assisi from the words from Deuteronomy:
“May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May he let his face shine upon you.
May he look upon you kindly and give you peace.”
After the closing hymn, Thanks be to God, the guests listened to a short oral history and viewed a slideshow that prompted them to reminisce about the early days of St. Francis Center for Renewal. Afterward, all enjoyed a delicious outdoor picnic catered by feast, followed by cake and an assortment of cookies for dessert.
Sisters Loretta Motko, Rosaria Shina, Jean Makovsky, Donna Pusch, Anne Kutch and Marguerite Stewart enjoy the special September day with friends and each other.
“Grateful for God’s providence, and for the friendship and support of the people, it was right to celebrate all that has been and all that will be,” says Sister Barbara Brown.
Father Nadolski, too, emphasized how a rich past informs the future. “Thanks, Sisters, for mediating God’s saving actions,” he said. “And with this chapter of retreat ministry closed, you heed the words of Jesus. You are open to what is next, wherever the Spirit will lead you and those who walk and work with you.”
Indeed, it is not the end. Although our Sisters will no longer host large groups for retreat at Monocacy Manor, they will continue to offer spiritual programs, sharing their Franciscan spirituality, and provide space for others to enjoy some solitude and appreciate the gifts of Creation.
As Sister Barbara says on behalf of her religious community, “The invitation still stands: ‘Come away for a while and be with God!’”
This historical photo shows a retreat group at St. Francis Retreat House in the 1950s.
Sister Bonnie Marie Kleinschuster (right) reminisces with her classmates (all 1974 graduates of St. Francis Academy) — Joanne Downing Kuruc, Maryclare McGinley Plucinsky, Georgeann Fries and Connie Libricz.
Father Kevin Nadolski leads the gathering in prayer.