
Sister Frances Marie Duncan

2018 Woman of Strength Award Winner

Each spring during St. Francis Center for Renewal’s Star Struck Gala, the Women of Strength Awards are bestowed upon women who exemplify strength of character, Christian Values, courage, generosity, persistence, optimism, integrity and community service. Among the honorees in 2018 was our own Sister Frances Marie Duncan.

With a brilliant mind and a wealth of knowledge to share, Sister Frances Marie has been awarded many times for her excellence in education. What is equally as remarkable is her skill for knowing and caring for her students and creating a bond with them which is uplifting and which encourages them to look at life with new hope and wisdom. While being present to their activities and encouraging her students to do their best, she has also engaged them in meeting the needs of the poor as she directs them to Christian service.

Examples of this leadership include involvement with Habitat for Humanity; 30-hour Famine to raise awareness of poverty issues; and fundraising for World Vision and Catholic Charities. She organized student immersion trips for summer experience of service to Kentucky, West Virginia, L’Arche Community in Canada, New York City, Camden and New York State. Sister accompanied groups of students on subway runs to deliver home made lunches to the homeless. She had her students participated in the Pax Christi Good Friday Peace Walk in New York City and formed an Easter basket drive for children of unwed mothers at a local shelter. Many are her awards for her compassion and involvement with the poor. One of note is the Franciscan Peacemaker Award given through the Franciscan Federation.

As a Sister of St. Francis, she has served in many forms of leadership. Currently our provincial minister, she has been a provincial councilor and has represented us in our General Chapters. Accepting the position of provincial minister meant she would have to leave St. Peter’s Prep School, where she loved to serve. Instead she was to step into this new and challenging role at a crucial time for religious life. No one hears her bemoan the fact that she said her “Yes” to the Lord.

And now Sister does for us what she has done at St. Peter’s Prep. She has challenged us to social justice issues, given us an example of faithfulness to prayer, and is attentive to our personal needs. She is mindful of our Sisters who are in need of skilled or personal care. Sister has always managed in the midst of her activities to care also for her parents when they were ill. She now tends to the current needs of her godmother and her blood sisters.

Sister continues to be involved with the board at St. Peter’s Prep as well as that of St. Francis Center for Renewal, Kolbe Academy and Sister’s Place. God has manifested Himself in Sr. Frances Marie in more ways than we can enumerate. Over 2000 years ago the word was made flesh in Jesus. He has been incarnate in Sister’s life today.

It is with great respect, honor and appreciation that we congratulate
Sr. Frances Marie Duncan, OSF ~ 2018 Woman of Strength!

— Sisters M. Virginelle Makos & Bonnie Marie Kleinschuster