
Sister Regina Ann Rokosny

2017 Woman of Strength Award Winner

Each spring during St. Francis Center for Renewal’s Star Struck Gala, the Women of Strength Awards are bestowed upon women who exemplify strength of character, Christian Values, courage, generosity, persistence, optimism, integrity and community service. Among the honorees in 2017 was our own Sister Regina Ann Rokosny.

Woman of Strength is a title that covers a number of outstanding Christian qualities: courage, generosity, integrity, optimism and faith-filled service. A person who comes to mind, as I consider this title, is our Sister Regina Ann Rokosny.

I have known Sister Regina Ann for many years as the sister, friend, and co-worker and experienced many sides of this very special person — sides that perhaps first blossomed when we taught together at St. Francis Academy. And they continue to grow more fully to this present day. May I point out just a few.

Sister Regina Ann is a woman of prayer. As a School Sister of St. Francis she is called to live out the charism of our community — intimate union with God in the midst of apostolic service. She is faithfully present at daily community prayer and Mass. I am especially moved as I see her sitting quietly in our chapel each evening, after a full day of work. “It’s my favorite time,” she tells me — a special time of prayer that she then takes with her and shares with the people she meets, as she helps to make the world a better place.

Sister Regina Ann taught for a number of years at our St. Francis Academy in Bethlehem, Pa., and was very dedicated to the total education of the girls. Her specialties were math and Spanish. But her dedication went far beyond the classroom. She was in her glory as assistant coach of our basketball team, director of the cheerleaders and pep club. And when the time came for our yearly Broadway Musical, Sister Regina was there with her team working on the construction of scenery. Her energy and joyful spirit often turned the work into fun. This joyful spirit is still evident today. If you happen to walk into our gym when preparations are taking place for some function, you just might see Sister Regina Ann dancing about as she enters into the preparations. Might her second call be as a ballerina?

Compassion is a special gift for Sister Regina Ann. She reaches out to those in need of gentle kindness, recognizing when someone is sad or in need of someone to talk with. Always evident in the academy days, this can also be seen today. I believe she draws from her own inner strength, having had to deal with the death of her mother at a very early age.

I admire, very much, Sister Regina Ann’s gift of integrity. She is true to herself and makes every effort to treat others with respect and openness. When relational difficulties occasionally arise, she is honest and encourages openness in others, even if there is a personal cost.

Another outstanding quality of Sister Regina Ann is her service. In her growing up years in her home town of Emmaus, Pa., she was always helping her aunts who cared for her, as well as the sisters in school. Again, in those academy years, her energy and willingness to serve seemed endless. After the closing of St. Francis Academy, Sister went on to teach in our St. Francis Academy in San Antonio, Texas. The young women she taught there remember her generous service and joyful spirit.

To fail to mention Sister Regina’s great love and care for the earth would be a huge oversight. As a true daughter of St. Francis, she is dedicated to doing all she can to make this world of ours a better place in which to live. In her free time, she is often seen outside in the garden planting, weeding and caring for our flowers. She is a strong advocate for care of the earth. In 2003, she received an award for fidelity in caring for the earth, from the Franciscan Federation.

Sister Regina Ann has held a number of important positions in the community:
community treasurer; provincial vicar; provincial councilor; novice director. Presently, Sister serves as financial director at St. Francis Friary in Easton, Pa. True to who she is, Sister Regina, though her main work is with finances, often can be seen making beds or cleaning in preparation for an upcoming retreat. Or she may be weeding in the garden or just sitting and sharing with a staff member or volunteer. Or spending quiet time in the chapel.

I heartily believe that Sister Regina Ann is worthy of the title Woman of Strength. Her life of service, her dedication to her call to follow Jesus and her dancing spirit have endeared her to me and to so many others.

— Sister Marguerite Stewart