
Sister Bonnie Marie Kleinschuster

2015 Woman of Strength Award Winner

Each spring during St. Francis Center for Renewal’s Star Struck Gala, the Women of Strength Awards are bestowed upon women who exemplify strength of character, Christian Values, courage, generosity, persistence, optimism, integrity and community service. Among the honorees in 2015 was our own Sister Bonnie Marie Kleinschuster.

Spirit dedication and service are but a few of the gifts we recognize in Sister Bonnie Marie Kleinschuster. These gifts were evident early on, only becoming more visible over the years. Sister Bonnie attended St. Francis Academy, graduating in 1974. She was an honors student all four years and very involved in school activities ~ glee club, orchestra, stage crew, among others. What seemed to bring out the best in Sister Bonnie was her love and involvement in sports. She was an outstanding member of the basketball team and her love of sport continued during her college years. Sister Bonnie attended St. Francis College in Loretto, PA. Among other successes she was named assistant coach of the women’s basketball team.

Sister Bonnie remained connected to the sisters during her college years. She grew in her love for the Franciscan way and the charism of the School Sisters of St. Francis. After completing

her college years she decided to join the community. She felt the call to teaching and, after completing her formation, entered into the ministry of teaching. Sister Bonnie loved her students, especially the poor. This was evident in the many extra hours she gave to mentoring students and seeking ways to help them. Currently, as Technology Coordinator at Holy Infancy School on the South side of Bethlehem, she manages the technology needs of the school. Holy Infancy is a small, less-affluent school; one of the Hispanic Apostolate schools of the Diocese of Allentown. Because of Sister Bonnie’s hard work, persistence and dedication to Holy Infancy students and faculty, it has all the technological advantages of other schools. In 2006, Sister transformed the school’s library into a media center by securing grants and developing other funding sources. The school was one of the first Catholic schools to fully integrate technology in each classroom through ceiling mounted projectors connected to classroom computers. Because of Sister Bonnie’s efforts, the students of Holy Infancy have the advantage of technology in every classroom.

Tenacity, ingenuity and optimism are words to describe Sister Bonnie. She has a million ideas and implements the best of them. The Monocacy Farm Project is a prime example. Three years ago, Sister Bonnie envisioned turning 13 acres of Monocacy Manor land into Community Sustainable Agriculture. The first undertaking was to turn the land from chemical-laden to healthy soil, while adding walking paths through the property for retreatants at St. Francis Center for Renewal, with gardens for meditation and enjoyment. Then came an organic farm where vegetables are grown for local consumption and are available at a reduced cost to low-income families. The local community can also lease a plot for growing and harvesting their own organic produce. Lessons on organic vegetable horticulture for adults and children are available as well as a series of classes on health, wellness and spirituality at the Renewal Center. Sister Bonnie was honored at the Franciscan Federation 2013 Annual Conference Banquet for her dedication and work on the Monocacy Farm Project.

Sister Bonnie Marie’s spirit and dedication are visible in other important areas as well. Presently Sister is Treasurer and Provincial Council Member of the School Sisters of St. Francis and actively involved in the various undertakings of the. Additionally, Sister Bonnie is a member of the board of Directors of St. Francis Center for Renewal.

Observing Sister Bonnie in the every day, we see a woman who cares ~ cares about God, about His people; cares about her Sisters and cares about Creation. She loves life and lives it to the fullest!

— Christine Chew & Sister Marguerite Stewart