
Sister Mary Xavier Bomberger

2014 Woman of Strength Award Winner

Each spring during St. Francis Center for Renewal’s Star Struck Gala, the Women of Strength Awards are bestowed upon women who exemplify strength of character, Christian Values, courage, generosity, persistence, optimism, integrity and community service. Among the honorees in 2014 was our own Sister Mary Xavier Bomberger

Community service, service with compassion and integrity – these words describe the life of Sister Mary Xavier.

Sister Xavier, in an unassuming way, tries to “be the Incarnate Face of Christ” in every situation in which she finds herself. Whether as a teacher, as Principal of Saint Francis Academy, Provincial Minister of the Bethlehem Province, or as Minister General of the School Sisters of Saint Francis for ten years in Rome, Sister Xavier is true to herself and to her God. She exemplifies the Franciscan value of authentic “Servant Leadership” no matter what position she holds, and was/is able to lead with great wisdom and vision. She can be herself in any situation – always even-tempered, calm, gentle and soft-spoken, a genuine reflection of the Face of Christ to everyone.

As teacher and principal at the Academy, Sister Xavier was able to reach and draw forth the best from her students, encouraging them to use their gifts and talents for God’s glory and for others, while helping them to strengthen their areas of weakness. Sister’s ability to teach and to lead extends beyond the classroom and the School Sisters of Saint Francis. From 1999-2001 she served as Assistant Novice Director for the Eastern Common Franciscan Novitiate, and in more recent years as a councilor for the International Franciscan Conference.

Sister Xavier served the elder sisters as director of Villa Clare in the 1980’s and presently serves the US Province as Director of Retirement. Sister Xavier’s compassionate care for the elders among us sometimes is at great personal sacrifice. In every circumstance, Sister chooses the last place for herself, always treating others with respect and dignity.

Sister Xavier draws her strength and her peaceful demeanor from her life of prayer which helps her to accept life as it is, with courage and trust that God is in charge and that he continues to care for her and those she serves.

— Sister Bonnie Marie Kleinschuster