Music for the Messiah
Annual Christmas Vespers Carry On Tradition at Monocacy Manor
Sister Mary Xavier Bomberger (foreground) follows along as Cathy Hageman leads the Vespers Choir at Monocacy Manor during one of three performances over the weekend of December 21-22, 2020.
Again this year, the annual Christmas Vespers events at Monocacy Manor in Bethlehem, Pa., accomplished just what they were intended to do when they began soon after St. Francis Academy closed in 1987.
“We wanted people to know that the Academy was closed, but that we are still alive and well here on Monocacy Hill,” says Sister Barbara DeStefano, who coordinates the event.
For three performances over one weekend each December, Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel is packed with alumnae, friends and family for prayer and sacred music to celebrate the season and carry forward the tradition established by Sister Marguerite Stewart and the Academy choir.
Sister Barbara prepares the material, Sister M. Virginelle Makos welcomes those gathered, and Sister Mary Xavier Bomberger leads the narration. Among this year’s special guests was alumna Elizabeth Knecht, an accomplished dancer, vocalist and instructor. A product of Lehigh Valley Regional Ballet Company and Joffrey Ballet School, Elizabeth is active in musical theater, cabaret and opera.
“We all are extremely delighted that she still comes back to give of her time and talent to us here in Bethlehem,” says Sister Barbara. The Vespers choir is directed by Cathy Hageman, and Ann Lipari, who handles the background tasks and organization. Pianist John Keglovitz provides the musical accompaniment.
After each performance, the gathering moves to the St. Francis Center for Renewal dining room for refreshments and conversation.
Sister Marguerite Stewart greets Vespers guests, which often include old friends and returning alumnae of the former St. Francis Academy.
Elizabeth Knecht