Mount Assisi Academy Class of 1947

Below are the names of the 1947 graduates of Mount Assisi Academy, along with their last-known place of residence.
In the case of deceased alumnae and faculty, where possible, we have included a link to their obituary.



*Nancy Adams
*Dolores Ahern
*Mary Ann Barton
+Agatha Baviera Hallas
+Sister Mercedes (Dorothy) Benko
+Sister Eileen (Marie) Berdis
*Jean Brown
*Mary Gail Burns
Mary Capp Hackworth
+Lillian Ciz Kucan
*Theresa Clancy
+Betsy Ann Coll Kozakiewicz
+Alice Connolly Blume
*Lucy D’Antonea
*Mildred Ferko
+Sylvia Frank Suhanin
+Patricia Galvin McConnell-Morse
+Catherine Gehringer Powell
+Mary Giglio
*Jean Glace
+Agnes Gnipp
*Rose Gonchar Ciganik — Wexford, Pa.
*+Rosemarie Hayduk Glassbrenner
*Kathleen Herzer
Frances Howarth Quaquarucci — Pittsburgh, Pa.
+Marianne Jennis
+Regina Johnston
*+Mary Karlik Kirkwood
Theresa Kasuba
+Dolores Klimko Malay
+Bernardine Korinsky Crummie
Gertrude Kovac(h) Simko — Pittsburgh, Pa.
+Josephine Kovach Hvostal
Mary Ann Kovac(h) Gotkiewicz — Pittsburgh, Pa.
*Eleanor Kubicky Wielgus — Pittsburgh, Pa.
+Sister Anna Mae Kuzma
+Anna Mae Lukas
Margaret Madia Ferraro — Coraopolis, Pa.
*Dolores Mahall
*Ethel McDonough
+Ruth McGurgan Connor
+Sister Marcella (Elizabeth) Meluch
+Franor Miller
+Sister Carolyn (Elizabeth) Mitrichka
*+Mary Ann Mogus Lux
Genevieve Naczynski — Pittsburgh, Pa.
June Ogden Suhanin — Pittsburgh, Pa.
+Mary Riordan McCloskey
Rosemary Ripack
+Mary Roos Pepmeyer
+Carolyn Rozman
+Albina Semancik
+Sister Amata (Martha) Shina
+Dorothy Sinchak Junio
Rosemary Solinsky Silay — Pittsburgh, Pa.
+Marianne Stafford
+Ruth Stephany
+Yvonne Snyder Hicks
Dorothy Szykowny — Pittsburgh, Pa.
Marjorie Taylor Little — Pittsburgh, Pa.
+Martha Tutera
Ruth Vogel Chieruzzi — Simi Valley, Calif.
+Marita Tillie Vrsansky
Claire Williams McKrell — Pittsburgh, Pa.
+Marian Winkler Ganley
*Josephine Yurko

*Did not complete four years at Mount Assisi Academy

FACULTY & STAFF 1946-1947

Mother Methodia

Father Clarence Tschippert

Sister Gerard

Sister Bridget Kendra

Sister Catherine Pavlik

Sister Cecilia — Music

Sister Mildred — Art

Sister Clavera

Sister Eymard Papso

Sister Paula Bichey

Sister Lucy Cizik

Sister Agnes Chvala

Sister Bonaventure Melichar

Sister Raphael

Sister Jeanne

Sister Immaculata Vavrek

Sister Alexia

Caroline Zingle — Basketball Coach