God is Watching Us
we cannot carry the cross, but we can lighten the load
By Sister Anece Salay
One of the most painful experiences in life is to watch someone we love suffer and feel there is nothing can do for them. Mary must have felt that during the walk to Calvary. She, too, was carrying a cross — one that perhaps only a mother’s heart could understand. There he was — her son. She conceived Him, He took form in her, He was born to her, and she nourished and cared for Him until He went to go about his purpose.
On that road, there was nothing she could do to change what had to be. This is why He came. This is what was foretold by the prophets. Simeon said it — “Your own heart would be pierced.” All she could do was walk with Him. So, she walked with her cross … and He walked with His … step by step.
Sister Anece
She watched as He was beaten, pushed, spat on, dragged and shamed as a criminal — all because He loved and cared for us, His people. She received Him her arms — limp and covered with wounds — and embraced His lifeless body. Her own experience of His pain was profound.
We all — men, women and children — have encountered someone suffering, whether it’s a family member, friend, or someone we happen to meet or hear about. There is something that connects us with the pain and suffering of others. We cannot always take away the pain and, many times, it can only be carried by the other. However, we can ease the hurt of the pain.
During these days of Lent, Mary is a good model for us. She walked with Jesus and, even though she could not take away His pain, her love accompanied Him. It brings to mind the song From a Distance by Bette Midler, which takes on new meaning when picturing the Way of the Cross — for Mary, for the Apostles, and for us, too.
God is watching us.
We ask Mary to strengthen us to go beyond our own grief and to continue what Jesus did — “Go about doing good.” During Lent and always, let us continue to care for one another, forgive one another, and accompany each other in our suffering.
Recommended Viewing: Watch Bette Midler Perform From a Distance