Giving Thanks
“I am thankful for the treasured love of my family, community, relatives and friends and all the kindness, generosity and support they give to me. Also, the gift of life within and around me, in the beauty of nature on land and sea. I’m also thankful for God’s goodness with many blessings showered from above and so much more given to me with all His love.”
sister norberta kralosky
“I am thankful for my life and the possibility that, when I die, I will go to heaven and be with God.”
sister barbara ann webster
“There are too many things to count — hearing aids and the gift of listening; all of my Sisters and friends; never having to worry, as my needs are met; kindness so often received; and the opportunity to give and receive smiles galore.”
sister francesca parana
“I am thankful for family and the celebration of Mass at Mt. Assisi Place. I still have my good health. I’m still around at 90.”
Sister Jean Makovsky
“Being with family has been and still is very special. In addition to family, life, faith and community, I thank God for all the beautiful people He has given me to deepen my relationship with Him. I am very blessed.”
sister roselyn kuzma
“I am thankful to be alive and well! I thank God that we have been safe here at Mt. Assisi Place, and so are all of my relatives and friends. I am grateful that we have Mass here on Sundays and can now receive Jesus every day in the Eucharist. I am grateful for all the friends I made here also. They are such a gift to me. There are so many things that I am grateful for but these are the most important.”
sister rosalia giba
“What I am counting among the blessings is that I will receive Holy Communion on this special day. The Eucharist is the greatest thanksgiving, not only on Thanksgiving Day, but on every day that I receive it. To me, the Eucharist is the greatest gift that God, Himself, gave us.”
sister lois jean difalco
“I am thankful that I have a bed to sleep in, that I have food, that I am still alive and healthy enough.”
sister frances marie duncan
“I am grateful for the adaptability and resiliency of our Sisters; the hope that has prevailed despite the division in our country; how our St. Francis Center for Renewal has adapted with internet resources to provide for the spiritual needs of the people throughout this pandemic; the generosity of so many of our friends and benefactors; the many men and women who have stepped up during the pandemic to serve despite the risk to themselves — nurses, doctors, medical aides, police officers, firefighters, postal workers, delivery people, clerks at stores, etc.”
sister cecilia jacko
“I have much to be thankful for. We have a place to worship, family, friends and food.”