A Farewell Blessing
three sisters laid to rest in special service
As many daily activities and spiritual rituals have been sidelined by the COVID-19 pandemic, our community has indefinitely postponed funeral Masses for Sisters Constance Frank, Rose Ann Rovnak and Margaret Elaine Rovnak. Before the weather turns colder, however, we hosted a unique visitation and committal service for the three Sisters on September 12 at Mt. Assisi Place.
Urns containing the Sisters’ cremated remains were arranged in the Mt. Assisi Place foyer for a short visitation that could be attended both by visitors who stayed outside and by the Sisters in personal care there, who stayed inside. Several members of the Rovnak Family and Sister Connie's niece attended to hear blessings by Father Donald Buchleitner.
The group then processed to St. Francis Cemetery, where the urns were buried. Afterwards, guests attended a socially-distanced outdoor luncheon at San Damiano Convent. Formal Masses for all three Sisters will be held when the pandemic wanes, likely in the new year.
Photos by Sisters Roselyn Kuzma, Carol Ann Papp & Frances Marie Duncan
Sisters Virginia Rose Carroll, Norberta Kralosky and Rosalia Giba wait for the service to begin.
Sisters Joyce Burkhart and Lois Jean DiFalco review the event booklet.
Father Donald Buchleitner leads prayers within the foyer so that those in attendance from both sides can hear him.
Father Edward Litavec and Sister Barbara Ann Lengvarsky, both retired religious and residents of Mt. Assisi Place, join in the prayers.
The urns and photos were placed beneath the portrait of St. Francis for a brief period of visitation.
Father Raymond Utz participates while practicing social distancing.
“... it is in dying that we are born into eternal life.”
Sisters pray from inside the Mt. Assisi Place foyer.
Guests take part in the service from outside the main entrance.
Sister Gracy Kundukulam carries Sister Connie’s cremated remains to the cemetery.
Great nephews of Sisters Rose Ann and Margaret Elaine carry their cremated remains to the cemetery.
Those who were able file into St. Francis Cemtery.
Father Buchleitner continues the blessing in the cemetery.
Those in attendance wore masks and maintained social distancing whenever possible, even during prayers in St. Francis Cemetery.
Janice Miller-Stein, funeral director, hands Sister Connie’s urn to Sister Gracy to be carried to her grave.
The urns are placed in small vaults special designed for burial of cremated remains.
Flowers in bloom in St. Francis Cemetery.
A family member offers prayers before the urns.