A Blessed Homecoming


What a joyous day it was on October 7, 2023, to welcome “home” more than 150 of our beloved Mount Assisi Academy alumnae to their Alma Mater! From the moving moments during Mass ... to the hustle and bustle of the nostalgic tours ... to the laughter heard throughout the luncheon ... it was a day we will not soon forget. You have told us that it was equally meaningful for you.

Please enjoy viewing the event photos in the special gallery below — many of them contributed by alumnae. Additional photos can still be sent to nbuchlmayer@schoolsistersosf.org to be added to the gallery.

Click on any image to view it in larger format.

Rebecca Bigley Stehle, Diana Anzelone Brown, Margie Fleisner Squiller, Mary Theresa Graziano Dunn, Mary Frances Donatelli Kahn, Diane Schmitt Doyle and Bernadette Potetz — all members of Mount Assisi Academy’s final graduating class in 1978 — gather under the blue and gold balloon arch that greeted alumnae as they arrived.

Marian Masur King (1955) arrives for the special day.

Grads arrive in great anticipation of reuniting with their classmates.

We had an absolute ball!
— Della Miller Pappas (1968)

As our charming chauffeur drops off another carload of grads, Carolyn Stauffer Ferrence (1966) has her photo taken under the balloon arch.

Carolyn Stauffer Ferrence poses under the balloon arch.

Mary Frances Donatelli Kahn (1978) makes an excited arrival.

Sister Jeanne Marie Ulica, sacristan, greets Father John Getsy, one of the Mass celebrants.

Joette Miller (1970) and her husband, Michael, arrive in style.

It wasn’t long after 9 a.m. that alumnae began flooding through the doors, their excited chatter filling the foyer like students arriving on the first day of school.

It wasn’t long after 9 a.m. that alumnae began flooding through the doors, their excited chatter filling the foyer like teenage students arriving on the first day of school.

After Mass, Laura Madia Irvin (1971) gets ready to join her classmates for a nostalgia tour.

A graduate fills out her raffle slip for a chance to win “Alma,” a Mount Assisi Academy bear generously donated by Donna Gondek Kramer (1969) and lovingly customized by Sister Barbara Ann Webster (1952).

Patricia Crummie Robel and Marian Yavorka Jobe — both 1972 grads — greet Sister Eve Blostic before Mass.

Fathers John Getsy and Bob Guay prepare to celebrate the All-Class Alumnae Mass.

Entrance processors Sister Kevin Berdis (1962), Sister Georgette Dublino (1951) and Catherine Rapp Brannon (1957) await the start of Mass.

Sister Marian Sgriccia, provincial minister of the School Sisters of St. Francis, greeted those gathered and, later, told everyone about the Sisters’ current projects and ministries.

Accompanied by her daughter, Theresa Rovitto Novak (1950) carries a bouquet of lush white roses in the offertory procession. The rose were in memory of all the deceased alumnae and faculty members of Mount Assisi Academy.

Rose Mary Gubser (1976) listens during Mass.

Sister Lorita Kristufek (1961), music ministry, looks on as Diana Saunders-Conley (1969) reads the Prayers of the Faithful.

Cindy Zawojski McCullough (1975), longtime employee of Mt. Assisi Place, and Natalie Chieffe (1965), former Sister and faculty member, participate in the offertory procession.

Sisters Bernadine Marie Stemnock (1956, formerly Sister Robert) and Barbara Ann Webster (1952, formerly Sister David), listen from the back of the chapel.

The Communion meditation hymn, “The Magnificat,” was beautifully delivered in a solo performance by Patricia Moran (1970).

Sister Jeanne Marie Ulica offers Communion to Helen DiFalco (1962).

We really needed this
— this injection of joy.
— Sister Mark Buranosky (1952)

Sister Georgette Dublino (1951) leads the recessional after Mass.

Those gathered stayed in the chapel after Mass for special announcements by Sister Marian Sgriccia and to sing the school song together.

Mount Assisi Academy alumnae join in the singing of the school song, penned so many decades ago by beloved school chaplain Father Clarence Tshippert. It just so happens that the reunion was held on Father Clarence’s death anniversary.

Karen Marie Tobias came solely to accompany her mother, Theresa Rovitto Novak (1950), to the event, but ended up running into Sister Cecilia Jacko (1948), who taught her Communion class at St. Gabriel School in the early 1970s. “Truly, you never know who you will see 50 years later,” Karen says.

Members of the Class of 1974 congregate before going on a Nostalgia Tour.

Eileen Stasiak Ciummo, Margaret Yellenik Thomas, Sister Pat Mahoney, Susanne Matvey Kokoski, Fran Kralosky Dice, Loretta Potetz Nelson and Rosalind Kisic Petnuch were all smiles upon meeting again after all these years.

Trina Litterini (1975) reconnects with Sister Mark Buranosky (1952), one of the Academy’s most beloved former faculty members.

The closeknit Class of 1969 was among those with the most members in attendance.

The Class of 1976 was represented by Patricia Donley, Ginny Makepeace Goehring, Rose Mary Gubser, Zita Fazio Schuessler, Inez Osborn Miller and Sharon Smith Quigley.

I can’t say how much I enjoyed the ‘Welcome Home’ event at The Mount. I was able to visit with all the women from my class of 1966, and we had a wonderful time. But more importantly, it was good to be reconnected with the women we’ve become over the last 50+ years. It also was touching to hear how Mount Assisi had touched all of us at difficult times in our lives and helped to anchor us.
— Frances Kralosky Dice (1966)

Sister Roselyn Kuzma (1958) is shown with Father John Getsy.

It was such a great day. I can’t think of anything that could have made it better. I saw friends whom I haven’t seen since we graduated.
— Darlene Condit Loebig (1969)

Alums congregrate in the original convent chapel to view the Heritage Display, featuring more than 150 pieces of Mount Assisi Academy memorabilia.

Classmates from 1968 stop by Room 206, which served as a biology lab and science classroom in the Academy days. It now serves as a community gathering space for the retired Sisters who live at Mt. Assisi Place.

Bulletin boards and poster boards at each stop on the Nostalgia Tour offered plenty of historical information and images of the Academy throughout its five decades.

This vintage signage was hidden away in the basement of “The Mount” for decades before being unearthed and cleaned up for the Heritage Display.

A keepsake box showcases precious items, including class rings, pins, graduation cards, a 1962 prom ticket and a 1970s pep puff.

I cannot tell you how much it meant to me to ‘come home’ to such a very special place. To see the Sisters who are still with us and to reunite with women I had not seen for 46+ years was simply amazing. Words seem inadequate to express how much it mattered to me.
— Rose Quattrocchi McKain (1977)

Mary Ann Mueser Petkervich (1965) embraces Rosalind Kisic Petnuch (1966).

Classmates from 1971 reconnect and enjoy browsing through old yearbooks in the Heritage Display.

Classmates from 1966 share some hearty laughs as they peruse old yearbooks.

A varsity jacket belonging to Norita Rohal Chile (1969) is surrounded by 1960s and 1970s issues of “The Echoes” newspapers and vintage yearbooks.

Susan Parey (1975) looks over memorabilia from the 1970s, including a uniform blouse signed by the Class of 1978.

Alums socialize and reminisce while viewing the Heritage Display in the original convent chapel.

Mary Kucan Hamas (1941), our oldest known living graduate, was unable to attend due to last-minute health challenges. Though deeply disappointed, she did contribute a few pieces of memorabilia, including the original program from her 1941 commencement in pristine condition.

Sister Mark Buranosky (1952) holds court, greeting alumnae as they arrived to view the Heritage Display.

Trophies, yearbooks, “Echoes” newspapers and a varsity letter were among the 1950s treasures preserved by Academy grads.

Alums socialize and reminisce while viewing the Heritage Display in the original convent chapel.

This recording of Sister Magdalene Lovrich’s 1978 remarks during the final commencement played in the background during the Heritage Display.

Teacher tribute stories filled one of the bulletin boards in the former first-floor hallway of Mount Assisi Academy.

Sister Mark Buranosky (1952) gets a hug from Mary Young Good (1965).

Mary Ann Mueser Petkervich (1965) traveled from Fairborn, Ohio — a distance of more than 250 miles — to attend.

Classmates from 1971 enjoy lunchtime conversation.

The warmth was felt the minute we stepped in the door, until leaving with full hearts and much gratitude.
— Mary Ley (1967)

The school auditorium/gymnasium — still looking very much like it did in the Academy days — was decorated in blue and gold for the luncheon and included a special photo backdrop of the school grounds.

A photo backdrop depicts the school grounds for picture-taking during lunch.

The Class of 1968 was well represented.

The Class of 1965 enjoyed catching up throughout the day.

Classmates from 1974 share a smile.

Although their patches are pinned to different sweaters these days, 1966 classmates Rosalind Kisic Petnuch and Eileen Stasiak Ciummo delighted the gathering by wearing their vintage MAA insignias.

Mary Teresa Dunn (1978) catches up with Rose Quattrocchi McKain (1977).

Members of the Class of 1967 huddle up for a photo.

Nancy Metz Pivirotto, Mary Ellen Koch Burns and Mary Young Good show off their badges identifying them as card-carrying members of the Class of 1965.

The Class of 1961 was represented by Connie Mrochek Heller, Sister Lorita Kristufek, Jean Oldaker Grogan, Rose Ann Potts, Kathy Sabol Cheski and Carol Ann Bacher Outley.

The Class of 1975 was represented by (from left) Darlene Boothby Mrazek, Diane Cantella, Mary Lou Warchola, Trina Litterini, Gina Cassandro Hicks, Susan Parey, Annette Giovanazzi and Jeanne Connolly.

The Class of 1973 was represented by (from left) Joanne Osborn, Mary Sneider Vojtas, Nancy Weaver Wolf, Renee Parey Lee and Margie Kontrik Glassbrenner.

Mary Ann Mueser Petkervich tells Sister Mark Buranosky all about what a role model she was as a typing teacher and mentor.

Classmates from 1969 peruse old yearbooks.

Thanks for a beautiful afternoon. I really enjoyed myself, and it was nice to see all the Sisters and former classmates.
— Rose Mary Gubser (1976)

Sisters Georgette Dublino (1951) and Kevin Berdis (1962) share some laughs with 1961 grads Kathy Sabol Cheski, Connie Mrochek Heller and Sister Lorita Kristufek.

The years have surely flown by for 1955 classmates Lucy Furgiuele Smith, Sister Elaine Hromulak and Marian Masur King.

Dee Dee Giovanazzi (1972, right) chats with 1969 grads Darlene Condit Loebig and Diane Giovanazzi.

The Class of 1978 made sure to get a photo with a pair of beloved former faculty members, Sister Elaine Hromulak and Natalie Chieffe.

Mary Ann Mueser Petkervich (1965) reconnects with classmate and former faculty member Natalie Chieffe and her husband, Mark Kinsler. A local newspaper columnist, Mark wrote a humorous piece about tagging along with Natalie for the reunion.

Rosalind Kisic Petnuch and Barbara Molitaris Schwenninger erupt into laughter as they reminisce with their 1966 classmates over lunch.

The Class of 1970 shares a lunch table with the Class of 1978.

Rose Quattrocchi McKain (1977) delights at winning the raffle for Alma, the Mount Assisi Academy bear. “I will cherish this,” she says. The bear was donated by Donna Gondek Kramer (1969) and customized by Sister Barbara Ann Webster (1952).

Sister Anece Salay (1962) enjoys catching up with Mary Ellen Malone Zinn (1959)

Classmates from the Class of 1974 preserve the day with a group photo.

Former teammates Florence Fraszo (1954) and Lucy Furgiuele Smith (1955) reminisce about their days on the basketball court.

Girls from 1971 tease Sister Mark Buranosky (center) about how they drove her crazy during their school days.

Sister Georgette Dublino (1951) gets a hug from 1978 grads Mary Theresa Graziano Dunn and Margie Fleisner Squiller.

I had a great time with my fellow classmates from the Class of 1969. I will always treasure my time at Mount Assisi Academy. Going down Memory Lane was wonderful.
— Donna Gondek Kramer (1969)

Classmates from 1976 swap stories over lunch.

Sister Mary Buranosky (right) is delighted to reconnect with Rose Quattrocchi McKain (1977).

With the risk of demerits or detention a thing of the past, the Class of 1971 admits that, just maybe, a girl or two snuck down to the cemetery for a smoke.

Classmates from 1966 — including Sister Pat Mahoney (right) — share some laughs over lunch.

Sister Barbara Ann Webster (1952) muses at the interaction between Sister Denise Olshausky and Mary Ley (1967).

Attendees from the Class of 1966 include (from left) Eileen Stasiak Ciummo, Carolyn Stauffer Ferrence, Rosalind Kisic Petnuch, Barbara Molitaris Schwenninger, Loretta Potetz Nelson, Susanne Matvey Kokoski, Fran Kralosky Dice, Margaret Yellenik Thomas and Sister Pat Mahoney.

Sisters Loretta Potetz Nelson (1966) and Bernadette Potetz (1978) have a little reunion of their own. Bernadette traveled all the way from Loma Linda, Calif. — a distance of 2,395 miles — to attend!

Trina Litterini (1975) has a laugh with Theresa Rovitto Novak (1950).

This celebration was truly worthy of all who came before us, and will stay with all who attended. There is peace and joy in every hallway, room, and felt even more in the cemetery. Bless each and every one of you for uplifting all who attended.
— Mary Ley (1967)

Mary Ley (1967), Sister Elaine Hromulak (1955), Joanne Kaminski (1971) and Sister Denise Olshausky swap fun-filled stories of “the old days.”

Sisters Cecilia Jacko (1948) and Bernadine Marie Stemnock (1956) share some laughs with “girls” they taught in the 1970s.

Members of the Class of 1969 enjoy lunch together.

Ladies from the Class of 1967 enjoy the luncheon.

Sisters Bernadine Marie Stemnock (1956) and Cecilia Jacko (1948) share lunchtime conversation with their former students from the Class of 1974.

Graduates from 1968 line up in front of the auditorium stage for a photo op.

Diane Schmitt Doyle, Mary Frances Donatelli Kahn and Rebecca Bigley Stehl — classmates from 1978 — reconnect after Mass.

Diana Anzelone Brown, Rebecca Bigley Stehle and Bernadette Potetz — classmates from 1978 — share a smile.

The Class of 1978 puts a loving squeeze on Sister Georgette Dublino (1951).


Laughter & Tears: Read Sister Elaine’s keynote address

Deceased Faculty Profiles: We Remember Them

Living Faculty Profiles: Where Are They Now?

Gallery: View items featured in the Heritage Display

Video: Patricia Moran (1970) performs The Magnificat

Video: Alums sing the Mount Assisi Academy school song

Read: Husband reflects on attending reunion with alum wife