Do You Hear the Call?

let us answer your questions about religious life

Intimate union with God involves a life of prayerful contemplation fostered by daily Eucharist, Divine Office, personal and communal prayer. Our foundress, Mother Frances Antonia Lampel, realized that a life of active service was most demanding and that prayer and community life must be the source of energy for life. Her service gave witness to her words, "I am here with God for you." We, as her followers, bring the fruits of our prayer life and community experiences into our apostolates.

How We Serve

  • Education: Preschool, elementary and secondary schools, religious education, RCIA

  • Parish Ministry: Liturgy, music ministry, pastoral care, parish administration, social concerns

  • Nursing & Elder Care: Senior residences, personal and nursing care

  • Diocesan Services: Youth ministry

  • Social Services: Youth at risk, emergency food assistance

  • Spiritual Care: Retreat ministry, prayer apostolate, chaplaincy for sick and elderly

Are You Being Called?

  • Do you feel that God is asking something more of your life?

  • Is there a voice within you that will not be quiet?

  • Do you desire a deeper prayer life shared with others in community?

If you feel that God may be calling you to a life of deeper prayer and service shared in a Franciscan community, we invite you to come and experience our way of life by visiting and meeting our Sisters.


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Pittsburgh Religious Vocation Council

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To inquire about religious life
in our community, Contact
Sister Adelina Garcia:

Phone: 325-374-5220

Sister Adelina Garcia

Sister Adelina Garcia