Reaching Out in San Angelo

sisters make scripture more accessible to spanish-speaking community

Sister Adelina Garcia leads the opening procession of a bilingual Transitus service at the Franciscan Resource Center in San Angelo, Texas.

Sister Adelina Garcia leads the opening procession of a bilingual Transitus service at the Franciscan Resource Center in San Angelo, Texas.

A bilingual scripture study class meets at the Franciscan Resource Center in San Angelo, Texas.

The Franciscan Resource Center, our sponsored ministry in San Angelo, Texas, provides faith formation classes in Spanish, covering such topics as scripture, sacraments and morality.

About 12 to 15 people gather weekly for sessions that always conclude with fellowship over “cafecito and postre” (dessert and coffee). In addition to helping members grow deeper in faith, the class serves as a forum for participants to share life’s joys and struggles. The book of prayer petitions keeps groups attentive to the many needs of the community.

In addition to reflection days and book review days, the FRC also is home to various meetings related to the work of our Sisters in the Archdiocese of San Angelo, including gatherings of directors of religious education and Advisory Committee meetings. Visitors comment that they enjoy the peace and quiet of the Center and also appreciate the Franciscan art displayed there.

The FRC also hosts a bilingual Transitus service on October 3 each year, commemorating the death of St. Francis of Assisi.