Feeding the Hungry
Sisters Rise to the Challenge of Food Insecurity
Sister Jo Goolish welcomes donations from Ed Marotta, brother of Sister Hilda Marotta, to build “Love Baskets,” special packages of food and toiletries for needy families in San Antonio, Texas.
Serving the poor and otherwise needy has been a core mission of the School Sisters of St. Francis since our pioneer sisters came to the United States in 1913. Now more than ever, needy families in our communities are suffering from food insecurity and other challenges.
Our Sisters are rising to the food insecurity challenge during Catholic Sisters Week March 8-14 by collecting nonperishable food items, grocery store gift cards and monetary donations for local families in need.
In Pittsburgh and Bethlehem, Pa., we are collecting food, gift cards and monetary donations, which will then be donated to local church food pantries and food banks. For details on how to help no matter where you live, please click here.
Our Sisters in West Lawn, Pa., and Somerset, N.J., are assisting with collection of gift cards and nonperishable items through St. Ignatius Loyola and the Catholic Community of St. Matthias, the parishes where they serve.
Kendall House convent in Pittsburgh is partnering with Sisters Adelina Garcia and Hilda Marotta in San Angelo, Texas, to collect gift cards and monetary donations to fund food and basic necessities for underprivileged families served by the Diocese of San Angelo. For details on where to drop off food in the San Angelo area, see their flyer here.
Sister Kevin Berdis and her family are donating items to Upper Room of Erie, Pa., which serves the homeless population in Northwest Pennsylvania.
The Sisters who reside at Mt. Assisi Place personal care home (934 Forest Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15202) also are overseeing collection of nonperishable items and gift cards. Donations can be left at the main entrance from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Sunday, March 8-14. Face coverings are required.
Sisters Jo Goolish and Yolanda Escamilla engaged friends and alumnae in San Antonio, Texas to build “Love Baskets” filled with food and toiletries for delivery to needy families in the area. Their efforts were slowed by February’s snow and ice emergency in Texas, but basket deliveries have resumed.
The following food items are in particular need by local food banks and pantries:
Bulk packs of individually-wrapped items, like snacks, crackers, cereal bars and fruit cups
Cases of bottled water
Granola and protein bars
Cans and pouches of tuna fish
Individual servings of macaroni and cheese and similar microwaveable or quick-serve meals
Canned soups, fruits, vegetables and beans
Diapers, wipes and baby formula
Boxed potatoes, rice and meals like Hamburger Helper
Oatmeal packets or cups
Cereal in boxes or individual cups
Peanut butter, jelly and applesauce
Noodles and pastas
Teabags, coffee and hot chocolate
Ramen noodles and soup cups
Don’t forget the pets — pet food is needed too
We welcome involvement from our families, friends and alumnae in addressing food insecurity during Catholic Sisters Week. Here’s how you can help:
help from anywhere
Grocery store gift cards and monetary donations can be mailed to our Provincial Office:
School Sisters of St. Francis
4900 Perry Highway, Suite 201
Pittsburgh PA 15229
Checks may be made payable to “School Sisters of St. Francis,” but please indicate that your donation is for the Food Insecurity Challenge.
In Person in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Donations of nonperishable food and household items, gift cards and monetary donations can be dropped off at our Provincial Office (4900 Perry Highway, Suite 201, Pittsburgh PA 15229) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, March 8-12.
The office building is located at the corner of Perry Highway and Cemetery Lane in Ross Township. Parking is scarce, so please pull up to the entrance with your blinkers on. Face coverings are required. If you need assistance, call 412-761-2855.
Donations also will be accepted on the back porch of San Damiano Convent (1515 Quaill Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15202) during daylight hours on Saturdays and Sundays, March 6-7 and 13-14. This is the orange brick house at the bottom of the former Mount Assisi Convent driveway.
In Person in Bethlehem, Pa.
Through our St. Francis Center for Renewal and Monocacy Farm Project ministries, our Sisters are joining forces with other local organizations to host a canned goods drop-off from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 13.
Drive-by drop-offs can be made that day at Monocacy Manor, 395 Bridle Path Road, Bethlehem PA 18017. Donations will benefit Cay Galgon Lifehouse and New Bethany Ministries, which serve Pennslyvania’s Lehigh Valley. We ask that all participants wear masks and respect social distancing.